When it rains, aero dance sessions are done inside Baker Hall and playing in the field is no longer that enjoyable. The wet grasses is highly repulsive to most of my kids who do not want to wet their shoes when they play and they find the situation not worthy of waking up early on a weekend. Our eldest child, who ironically is a good dancer, spoke up and requested to extend her asleep instead of joining us. Though half-hearted, I gave in to the request and declared that only those who are willing to spend their early Saturday mornings with us, regardless of what awaits us at the UPLB Freedom Park, will be enjoined.
Last Saturday, we were not expecting a child companion, but our 3-year old son declared his interest and woke up early that day. We were lucky that the aero dance was done out in the open field, and our son who was well-behaved while we dance, was given a few minutes of running in the field before rain started to pour again. Though the rain cut it short, the three of us really had a great time. Next Saturday, our 8-year old son will be coming with us too. Who knows, headcount will be complete again before long.