Another Countdown Adjustment

Posted by Papa Sez | Friday, March 05, 2010

Hello friends, once again I am going to make an announcement about changes in our travel plans. It's actually a minor change but with some major impact on Mama Sez and me as we just decided to reduce our preparation time by one day, which is a lot of time considering that we're down to two weeks to make arrangements for our two months on the road!  Pressure, pressure and more pressure!

As explained in my post at Island Travel, our travel blog, the two reasons for moving the kick off date from March 23 to March 22 are (1) our kids' classes will end on March 19 and, (2) we wanna spend a day at Sohoton Cove in Surigao del Norte before jumping on a ferry to Leyte.

So, that countdown widget to the right will reflect only 15 days plus hours after I hit publish. It's gonna be tough with only two weeks left to prepare for a two-month road trip...but gotta do what we wanna do =D

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About Us (circa 2009)

Our journey led us to this place. A little more than 10 years ago we began our journey as husband and wife. Three years later, we found ourselves with two bundles of joy- a daughter and then a son. They're the children we've dreamed of having.

About five years since the birth of our son, an unexpected gift came- a younger brother to our school-age kids. And soon enough, a baby girl arrived to round the family membership.

Brave was a term used by a friend to describe us. Challenging... and loving it -- yeah, this journey is not for the faint of heart.