I regret having dipped the bucket of my two older kids early this morning.

The day got off on the wrong foot with issues carried over from last night. One of the issues has to do with school requirements, which was pushed over the edge when Leon can't find his school ID a few minutes before the school shuttle service arrived.

After some leading questions from Mama Sez, Leon eventually remembered that he must have left it in the boy's comfort room in school yesterday when he changed his shirt. I was hard on him because of the ID and also because of what I eventually realized was just a misunderstanding of an agreement he had with his mom - on being responsible for getting up early and getting ready for school, which he thought was in effect only for a day, and that was yesterday.

Rica, his older sister, also got her share of my displeasure, which was undeserved. All I wanted to do was to ask her to assist her brother on his requirement and in looking for his ID in school. I could have done it in a better way: without the angry and demanding tone, but in a respectful, empowering manner deserving of respect and cooperation from a person being requested.  It was unfair and mean of me to scold her for responsibilities that wasn't hers in the first place and an expectation she wasn't fully aware of.

After some time to reflect on what just happened, I realized the impact my bucket dipping might have on my kids' mindset today.  I cannot wait for them to get home to apologize and try to straighten things out.  They are actually wonderful, responsible kids and they deserve to know.

Note to self: Don't sweat the small stuff; do bucket filling, instead of bucket dipping.

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About Us (circa 2009)

Our journey led us to this place. A little more than 10 years ago we began our journey as husband and wife. Three years later, we found ourselves with two bundles of joy- a daughter and then a son. They're the children we've dreamed of having.

About five years since the birth of our son, an unexpected gift came- a younger brother to our school-age kids. And soon enough, a baby girl arrived to round the family membership.

Brave was a term used by a friend to describe us. Challenging... and loving it -- yeah, this journey is not for the faint of heart.